Coffee Break

Coffee Break

Sunday, August 22, 2010

"Tag the World" never again.

Ok, race report first.  Then we can complain.

Naturally we'll start with the swim.  It was a "wet start" meaning, of course, we started in the water.  This is where all the little clues started that these event "coordinators" didn't seem to have it together.  But, i thought nothing of it.  Clue #1 the swimmers were instructed to swim beyond the point where the reef started, meaning at the start of the race there were actually swimmers standing on the reef.  Clue #2 the race start was signified by the waving of a flag.  This wouldn't normally be so bad except that the sun was behind said flag waver making him impossible to see from the water.  I digress, finally we got started.  I immediately realized that the water was too shallow for me to get an effective pull.  I was scraping my hands along the rocks.  I tried adjusting my heading to get me into deeper water, but didn't actually get into a good groove until about 200m later when I decided to head towards the beach looking for deeper waters. Once I actually got on a good course, pretty close to the turn around i might add, I felt pretty fast.  I came out of the water in about 12 minutes.  Considering the course, and all the little detours I'm happy with that.  Especially since my shoulders and back were actually burning by the time I exited the water.

Now the run.  Lets back up a bit.  To Clue #3, the part where the coordinators are briefing the course.  The morning of the race THIS is when they decide to tell us it is a XC course!  Great.  Good thing I did that beach run on Friday, so I'm ready for the soft ground...  So back to the race.  I blast out of the water to my transition towel, throw on my socks and shoes, grab my hat, race number, and shirt.  Then i start getting dressed while I'm running (I'll never do that again).  It was kind of a mess, something i hadn't practiced but it turned out alright I guess.  I had to keep reminding myself to push harder.  Pass that guy, pass that guy too, don't let that guy pass you!  Then, something truly amazing happened.  I crossed the marker for lap two and one of the volunteers called out my race number and told my I was in 8th place!  8th place!?  No way can I slow down now!  I gotta get top 5!  I keep passing people (turned out in the end that most of them were 5k guys I was lapping!).  Keep my head high I am breathing like a freight train (that's right Michelle I was THAT guy:)).  I manage to keep pushing it all the way out to the end passing one other 10k'er and getting passed by another 10k'er to end up in what I guess to be 8th overall (still awaiting confirmation).

Now... on to the fun part:

Ok, so by now I probably should have expected something like this. Considering all the clues, including an aid station in the last 25 feet of the race.  Who puts an aid station in the chute?  Let me get you in "the moment"  I crossed the finish line and look up for my time... What?!  no clock?  Ok, they are keeping time by hand.  No biggie.  I walk over to the table and ask the timers "hey do you guys have the finishing time for #37?"  probably shouldn't have bothered.  They were crazy busy and told me to just wait till the end.  Understandable.  So i wait.... and wait... and after a raffle (consisting of competitors playing "rock paper scissors" to win sized raffle prizes) and a singing performance.  Almost an hour had passed and they were finally ready to announce the results.  They begin announcing overall results for 5k.  Then age group results for 5k, then more age group results for 5k.  Then we ask if they have the results for the 10k... that's when it happened... the coordinators gave us the deer in the headlights look.  Oh no.  So, after waiting around for over an hour and a half and much arguing and bickering over who was 5k, who was relay, and who was 10k.  The 10k results were declared.

This whole ordeal wouldn't have really bothered me too much other than the fact that the competitors were promised excellent prizes for 1st-3rd place overall and age group.  What prize did I walk home with you ask?  Bragging rights, and a slip of paper declaring me "third".  No metal, no time on the paper, no age group, just the distances, the race name, and the word "THIRD".  Ugh!  If any of you are considering this race next year.  I strongly urge you to not participate.  Although this is a worthy cause, if you wish to donate $60 to tag the world, just write them a check and save yourself the stress.

sorry about the tirade guys.


Michelle Simmons said...

UGH. I'm sorry to hear it was so disorganized. :( You know, last year they put the race on as a triathlon but didn't advertise it (like AT ALL) and after the weekend happened I was like, what? There was a triathlon this weekend? That should have been a clue too.

So let me ask you this- how GLAD are you that you didn't rest for this race? :) Think of it as a good speed workout and we'll move on to bigger and better things.

And btw, in a short race like this you *should* be breathing like a freight train. NOW, *if* you start your 20K out that way in 2 weeks I'll be pissed. ;)

Unknown said...

Yeah, I'm way glad i didn't taper for this race. I wasn't so upset 'cause i just had it in my mind that this was just another workout. Looking forward to the 20K! Promise i wont start it out breathing like a freight train. =P