Coffee Break

Coffee Break

Saturday, August 14, 2010

And so it begins...

Thursday night, i signed up for my first Ironman. Ironman Couer d'Alene in Idaho. I wasn't expecting to sign up for one just yet. I saw my coach Michelle signed up for it... and it got me thinking... the timing is good and there will be some friendly faces. I made a call to Michelle and spoke with her about my training schedule for next year, discussing whether or not to do IMCDA in June or IM western Australia in December. I was concerned that doing the Kona 70.3 on June 4th would not be conducive to my training schedule by doing two big races in June. But turns out, it was a good idea to do a double peak in June. After running it by my wife, i took a deep breath and signed up. I had to convince myself that the $608 was worth it for a lifetime goal.

The scope of what i had signed up for didn't hit me until friday morning when i did the math on each of the events. According to the paces that i currently have during training. If I go the same speed during all three events during the Ironman. It will take me almost 12 hours... 12 HOURS of RACING!! OMG what have I done!?

My Ironman training hasn't gotten off to a very good start I'll say. I've been sick for the last few days. A bit of a head cold. I felt a bit better yesterday, good enough for a swim. On top of me feeling a bit under the weather I've got a race tomorrow, so for today, I'm just going to be chilling out on the couch drinking fluids and watching television. But next weekend I'll be going for my longest ride since my surgery, 3 hours on the bike. I'll have to consider nutrition for the first time since i've resumed training.

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